Getting yourself to your Full potential

Released on = February 21, 2007, 1:49 pm

Press Release Author = Lorraine Clifford

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = When you can clearly see your dreams in the distance, and
you release the brakes of fear, doubt and negativity that have held you back, you
will be able to step forward towards your full potential.

Press Release Body = When driving your life with the hand break on, you are still
moving but your using way too much energy and going nowhere fast. Although you can
force yourself to go, it is difficult to gain momentum; your journey becomes slow
and laborious. It\'s like swimming upstream, if the current is too fast you will end
up going backwards in a big hurry. This represents the way some of us go about with
our goals. We have the intent on moving towards, but at the same time, we have
thoughts which push opposite to those goals. If you continue with the hand brake on
(having those opposing thoughts) you will never achieve the goals you set. If your
dream is to be a race car driver, but you tell yourself your not good enough, you
can\'t drive that fast, you will crash. You are setting yourself up for failure.

Stop for a moment to hear your own thoughts. Are you shutting your goals down with
your thoughts? You will come to realize your negative thoughts produce negative
results and your positive thoughts produce positive results. Keep score, place them
in the negative side or the positive side. At the end of the day, tally them up.
Ask yourself what kind of a day you had. Can you hear the swarm of negative
thoughts? That is the sound of resistance in your life, you holding that hand break
on. If you had more negative thoughts you will find you had a negative day. If you
had more positive thoughts you\'ll find you had a positive day. Resistance to what is
going on around you is the friction that hinders forward motion in your life. These
negative thoughts will take the wind out of your sails making your goals harder to

When we were children, complaining was an effective way of getting what you wanted.
"I\'m hurt!" you get hug and help drying your eyes, "I\'m hungry" you got food to eat
and so on. As adults the complaining will only get you what you don\'t want. "I\'ve
got too many bills.", guess what, you get more bills. I\'m not getting paid well",
"I\'m working too many hours" "I don\'t have time", "I don\'t have the energy ". We
get what we focus on. You are in charge of your own life. Release that hand break.

Here are some steps you can apply to move yourself forward to your full potential.


To get change in your attitude and behavior you first need to realize what you are
doing. An alcoholic, who doesn\'t see himself as an alcoholic will never be able to
change from being an alcoholic. Go through your day and keep track of the negative
and positive thoughts. Stop your complaining. You will see how habitual negativity
can be and just how destructive it is in your life. If a negative thought or
complaint cost you $5 and a positive thought or complement gave you $5, we all would
be striving for the positive side. How much dollars are left in your bank at the
end of the day?


Your thoughts, your words are lethal messages that are constantly affecting your
mind and body. When you believe in your ability to achieve your goals, that\'s when
you have released the hand break. Michelangelo said that he didn\'t so much carve a
beautiful sculpture out of marble as he chiseled until the masterpiece within the
stone revealed itself. Believe you have the ability, strengths, talents, and great
qualities you need. Let go of all which will no longer serves you in moving
forward. Successful people will not step back into safety; they will feel the fear
and step forward anyway. When we start to feel discomfort you are growing and
challenging yourself. When moving to the unknown it becomes known and the view of
what is next, what is in front of your becomes exposed. Choose to step forward,
take another step, and yet another. Start to get the momentum going in the
direction of your goals. Nothing changes until something moves.

Give thanks for what you have now

Start to take note of all the things you are grateful for. When you can recognize
all of the gifts you have now you will get that good feeling. This feeling is what
will put you into the position of receiving more of what you want. Start today;
make a list of all the things your grateful for. Simple things "I am breathing", "I
have a roof over my head" and so no. List all that is good in your life now and be
grateful for each and everything you\'ve listed.

Never stop growing

Find a mentor, someone you call look up to. If you\'re married, find a couple who
has been married a longer then. Ask them what makes there marriage work. If you\'re
living an average lifestyle and you aspire to have more, find someone who has the
house, car, lifestyle you want and ask them how they become who they are today.
Read book written by great writers, biographies of people in history who inspire
you. Surround yourself with positive people. Negative thinkers will bring you down
to there level.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Lorraine Clifford
Alberta Canada

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